Zerotak Project Estimate Calculator Step 1: Please choose project category Penetration Testing We cover the methodology real intruders use to identify even the most sophisticated vulnerabilities for your organisation. Read More Web Application Network Mobile Application Cloud Security Testing We can help you identify and apply the best practices when talking about Azure, Office365, AWS, or even Google Cloud. Read More AWS Azure Google Cloud Digital Ocean Source Code Audit We can help you identify and apply the best practices when talking about Azure, Office365, AWS, or even Google Cloud. Read More Incident Response & Forensics For post-incidents, our accredited responders will provide digital forensics in order to mitigate, eradicate, and remediate the incident in the shortest time possible. Read More Ransomware B.Email Compromise/Transfer Fraud DoS/DDoS Your informations Your email Company name Type of testing Blackbox (no credentials provided)Greybox (credentials provided) How many file upload features are within the app? 01-56-1515-3030+ How many unique roles/permissions for the users does the app have? 0123-56-1011-2021+ Is the administrative panel/page in scope of testing? Yes What login features are available within the app? NoneLogin with credentialsLogin with SSORegisterForgot passwordMFA/2FARecaptcha Are websockets used by the app? Yes How many pages are within the app? 01-56-2526-100101-250251-500501+ How many inputs does the application have? 01-5051-200201-500501+ Please select all the features provided by the web application: Download/ExportChatbotUser AdministrationCustom Payments3rd-party Payment GatewayVideo StreamingReal-time MessagingUser Profile Management ('My profile' page)Blogging How many API endpoints are used by the app? 01-2526-5051-100101+ Are API definitions provided to Zerotak? YesNoNo API endpoints existing Web Application Firewall Status No WAF/disabledWAF Active during pentest (bypass test included)WAF Active during pentest (bypass not included) Do you want to have tests without WAF and testing the issues found with WAF activated? Yes Choose integrations below within the application ABTastyAlgoliaAmplitudesAsanaAWSAzure Application InsightsBazaarvoiceBing MapsBit.lyBranch.ioBrowserStackBuildkiteButterCMSCalendlyContentfulCircleCICloudflareCypressDataDogDelightedDeviant ArtDropboxFacebookFirebaseFreshDeskGithubGitlabGoogle CloudGoogle MapsGoogle RecaptchaGrafanaHelp Scout OAUTHHerokuHubSpotInfuraInstagramIpstackIterableJumpCloudKeen.ioLinkedInLokaliseLoqateMailChimpMailGunMapboxMicrosoft Azure TenantMicrosoft Shared Access Signatures (SAS)New RelicNPMOpsGeniePagerdutyPaypalPendoPivotalTrackerRazorpaySalesforceSauceLabsSendGridSlackSonarcloudSpotifySquareStripeTelegramTravisTwilioWakaTimeWeGlotYouTubeZapierZendesk Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name How many number of assets? (aproximately) 01-2526-5051-100101-250251-500501-1k1k-2,5k2,5k-5k5k-10k10k-25k25k+ Choose IP version IPv4IPv6Mixed (IPv4 & IPv6) Choose type of assets to be tested WorkstationsServersIoT devices (CCTV, Printers, etc.)Voice-over-IP (VoIP)Networking devicesSCADA/OTx1 WI-FI with physical presencex1 WI-FI without physical presence Type of testing Blackbox (no credentials provided)Greybox (credentials provided) Internal/External Test Internal TestExternal Test Average number of services/protocols per asset (IP/Subdomain) in scope of testing 01-1011-2021-5051+ Is Active Directory in scope of the testing? Yes Are there any security mechanisms that must be circumvented? NoYes - basic, firewalls/anti-virusYes - advanced, SOC, EDR, XDR, etc. Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Scope of testing (application types) Android (APK)Android (AAB)iOS Type of testing Blackbox (no credentials provided)Greybox (credentials provided) Source code obfuscation Yes Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) in place? Yes Anti-root/Anti-VM in place? Yes What login features are available within the app? NoneLogin with credentialsLogin with SSORegisterForgot passwordMFA/2FARecaptcha Certificate pinning in place? Yes How many file upload features are within the app? 01-56-1515-3030+ How many pages are within the app? 01-56-1112-2526-5051+ How many inputs does the application have? 01-5051-200201-500501+ How many unique roles/permissions for the users does the app have? 0123-56-1011-2021+ How many API endpoints are used by the app? 01-2526-5051-100101+ Are API definitions provided to Zerotak? NoYes Are websockets used by the app? Yes Are non-standard protocols used? (such as MQTT, Message Queue) Yes Choose integrations below within the application ABTastyAlgoliaAmplitudesAsanaAWSAzure Application InsightsBazaarvoiceBing MapsBit.lyBranch.ioBrowserStackBuildkiteButterCMSCalendlyContentfulCircleCICloudflareCypressDataDogDelightedDeviant ArtDropboxFacebookFirebaseFreshDeskGithubGitlabGoogle CloudGoogle MapsGoogle RecaptchaGrafanaHelp Scout OAUTHHerokuHubSpotInfuraInstagramIpstackIterableJumpCloudKeen.ioLinkedInLokaliseLoqateMailChimpMailGunMapboxMicrosoft Azure TenantMicrosoft Shared Access Signatures (SAS)New RelicNPMOpsGeniePagerdutyPaypalPendoPivotalTrackerRazorpaySalesforceSauceLabsSendGridSlackSonarcloudSpotifySquareStripeTelegramTravisTwilioWakaTimeWeGlotYouTubeZapierZendesk Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Type of cloud deployment Full on cloudHybrid (cloud & on-premise) Which cloud services are in scope of testing? API GatewayACMPCACloudFormationCodestarCloudHSMCloudFrontCodebuildCognitoDataPipelineCodePipelineCodeCommitWorkDocsDocumentDBDynamoDBEC2EBSELBSSMVPCVPNECRECSEKSElastic BeanstalkElastiCacheEMREFSKinesisIAMKMSLambdaLightsailMQMSKRedshiftRDSRoute53Secrets ManagerSESSNSSQSS3AthenaGlacierSTSDirectconnect How many virtual machines/servers are running on cloud? 01-1011-2526-5051+ How many applications are running on the cloud? 01-56-1011-2021+ Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Type of cloud deployment Full on cloudHybrid (cloud & on-premise) Which cloud services are in scope of testing? ACRApplication ProxyARMApp ServicesFunction AppsBlob StorageIntuneKey VaultLogic AppsAzure SQLAzure Virtual Machines & NetworkConditional Access PoliciesAzure AD Password Protection (APP)Azure AD Identity Protection (AIP) How many virtual machines/servers are running on cloud? 01-1011-2526-5051+ How many applications are running on the cloud? 01-56-1011-2021+ Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Type of cloud deployment Full on cloudHybrid (cloud & on-premise) Which cloud services are in scope of testing? AI PlatformApp EngineArtifact RegistryBigqueryBigtableCloud BuildCloud FunctionsCloud RunCloud ShellCloud SQLComputeDNSFilestoreFirebaseFirestoreKMSMemorystoreIAMSSO integrated with other applicationsMonitoringSecrets ManagerSource RepositoriesSpannerStackdriverStorage How many virtual machines/servers are running on cloud? 01-1011-2526-5051+ How many applications are running on the cloud? 01-56-1011-2021+ Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Type of cloud deployment Full on cloudHybrid (cloud & on-premise) Which cloud services are in scope of testing? AppsContainer RegistryDatabasesDropletsFunctionsImagesKubernetes (DOKS)NetworkingProjectsSpacesVolumes How many virtual machines/servers are running on cloud? 01-1011-2526-5051+ How many applications are running on the cloud? 01-56-1011-2021+ Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Select programming languages for the source code in scope of testing PythonJavaScriptJavaCloud servicesC#C/C++TypeScriptSwiftGoKotlinRubyPHPRustMATLABRPerlScalaDartSQLHTML/CSSShell scripting languages (Bash, PowerShell)Others Number of lines of code 01-500500-2k2k-5k5k-10k10k-50k50k-100k100k-250k250k-500k500k-1M1M+ Is the source code obfuscated? Yes Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Incident Severity Critical (< 1 hour response time)High (1-4 hours response time)Medium (4-8 hours response time)Low (1-3 days response time) How many potential email compromises there are? 011-56-2526-5050+ How is the email service handled? Office365/Microsoft365On-premiseGmail/Google WorkspacesZoho EmailOthers Are the sign-in logs available? Yes Do you have MFA enforced? YesPartially, for some usersNo Is traveling required? NoYes - EuropeYes - AsiaYes - North AmericaYes - South AmericaYes - AustraliaYes - Africa Have you disabled the potential compromised email accounts? YesNo Are the emails potentially compromised associated with workstations within the company’s network? Yes Have you identified the source of the attack/compromise? YesPartiallyNo Will takedown activities be performed on the attacker's infrastructure? Yes OSINT activities to be performed Dark web/hacking forums & communitiesSocial MediaSearch engines & public storage Do you want Zerotak to handle communication with responsible authorities? Yes Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Incident Severity Critical (< 1 hour response time)High (1-4 hours response time)Medium (4-8 hours response time)Low (1-3 days response time) How many potential email compromises there are? 011-56-2526-5050+ How is the email service handled? Office365/Microsoft365On-premiseGmail/Google WorkspacesZoho EmailOthers Are the sign-in logs available? Yes Do you have MFA enforced? YesPartially, for some usersNo Is traveling required? NoYes - EuropeYes - AsiaYes - North AmericaYes - South AmericaYes - AustraliaYes - Africa Have you disabled the potential compromised email accounts? YesNo Are the emails potentially compromised associated with workstations within the company’s network? Yes Have you identified the source of the attack/compromise? YesPartiallyNo Will takedown activities be performed on the attacker's infrastructure? Yes OSINT activities to be performed Dark web/hacking forums & communitiesSocial MediaSearch engines & public storage Do you want Zerotak to handle communication with responsible authorities? Yes Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement * Your informations Your email Company name Incident Severity Critical (< 1 hour response time)High (1-4 hours response time)Medium (4-8 hours response time)Low (1-3 days response time) What services or resources are being targeted by the DoS/DDoS attack? Network deviceWeb applicationsServers/workstationCloud services Is the attack still on-going? Yes What is the source of the traffic? Single-source (DoS)Multiple sources (DDoS) Do you need help in implementing protections, such as WAF, Load Balancers, or Firewalls? Yes Do you need the final report in non-English format? Yes Total time effort: ✓By ticking this box, I accept the Terms of Use and GDPR Agreement *