NIS Audit

The NIS Directive (EU 2016/1148) was the first piece of EU-wide cybersecurity legislation. Its goal is to enhance cybersecurity across the EU. The NIS directive was adopted in 2016 and subsequently, because it is an EU directive, every EU member state started to adopt national legislation, which follows or ‘transposes’ the directive.
EU directives give EU countries some level of flexibility to take into account national circumstances, to, for example, re-use existing organisational structures or to align with existing national legislation. The national transposition by EU Member States took place on 9 May 2018.” (Source: ENISA)
Our certified team (Attestation #8028) is able to help you perform the NIS audit and become fully compliant.

Does it apply to you?

The NIS directive applies to EU-based operators of essential services within 7 sectors (Energy, Transport, Water Distribution, IT Infrastructure, Financial Infrastructure, Banks, Health Sector). It also takes in consideration digital service providers, such as search engines, cloud services, and domain name providers.

What is our approach to the NIS Audit?

The audit represents a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s posture regarding the following cyber security areas:

Become NIS certified.